Rene Robins
'My daughter wants me to move to Norfolk. But what would I do in Norfolk? I'd be bored. I have all my art groups here. There's only one bus into town a day. Boring.'
The daughter of an architect, 98 year old Rene enjoys creating images using abstract geometric patterns and collage. Though arthritis makes the intricate cutting of her earlier, photography-derived compositions tricky, inspired by Matisse’s Cut Outs, she has taken to working with simpler shapes, using coloured paper or painting white paper to create her own, intuitive forms, giving her art a more joyful, spontaneous, playful feel. Rene lives in London but often visits her artist daughter in Norfolk. 'She wants me to move there,' she says. 'But what would I do in Norfolk? I'd be bored. I have all my art groups here. There's only one bus into town a day. Boring.'
Her work has been published and sold in exhibition.Her work has been published and sold in exhibition.