our collection of on-going lifestyle services for our members.
Chef-Prepared Meals
Our meals, generously financed by the Pret Foundation, help us provide our members with wholesome nutrition Monday through Wednesday. Weekly deliveries from the Felix Project and Fareshare ensure these meals are well-balanced for proper daily nutrition.
Community Gathering
Our centre provides a safe and supportive environment that promotes inclusion and equality. Our members come to the centre to find moments of peace and friendly interaction in various recreational activities from games, to our various creative workshops. We are not a ‘drop-in’ - we are a membership organisation that asks our members to participate in at least one activity per week in exchange for our services.
Day Trips
Day trips to the seaside, outings to the gardens and parks of London, or travelling to see new fine art gallery openings are but a few of our annual events for members. These trips promote social interaction and building community bonds between our members, as well as inspiring mental wellness with alternative stimulation.
Computer Usage
Whether for finding employment opportunities, progressing on social service administrative work, or reconnecting with lost loved ones, we understand the importance of offering a free, safe internet connection and office software for our members.
Other Services
We offer access to drug and alcohol assistance teams, clothes banks, telephone access and call support, as well as assistance with social administration work.