240Project is an Arts and Health Centre for the excluded, especially those with experience of homelessness.
At 240Project we believe that caring, personal attention and positive activity have a beneficial impact on people’s lives. Studies have shown that caring and attention can have a physiological effect on the excluded, increasing self esteem and self-acceptance, morale, confidence and pro-sociality. The activities we have selected all have traditions of healing and long term health benefits.
At 240Project we believe that taking part in a community that cares for each other, and where people take part in positive activity, can over time have a transformative effect on peoples' lives. The project's ethos is that every human being is uniquely valuable, and our aim is to gather the resources to bring latent potentials out into the open.
“My mental health has improved tremendously because i am surrounded by people who have gone through tough times but are positive.”
Project staff and volunteers support new members by looking into their immediate needs, discussing longer term goals and aspirations, then providing the support necessary to become a part of the 240Project community. We then encourage people to participate in a choice of Arts and Health Activities.
Once a member has joined, we hope and expect them to take part in at least one arts and one health activity every week. Where members have mental health and addiction issues, these activities can gradually awaken new strengths, confidence and coping abilities. We have seen that involving members in these activities leads to improvements in quality-of-life, personal growth and can contribute significantly to healing.
Members discover new skills as they participate in our group activities: singing, painting, creating a mosaic, cooking or drama all provide important opportunities to enhance social skills and build confidence. Every day we see how these activities improve our members’ life-skills, and physical and mental health, leading to long lasting change and self-acceptance.
our offering
The project is fortunate to be run by passionate and talented staff, volunteers and session workers. Together we create and run a series of dynamic and inspirational groups, Click the images below to discover more about each subject.
the difference we make
We are proud to have made a difference in our members’ lives and their futures. Discover our proudest achievements and the difference we make.