Becoming a member is easy and safe.
We respect your privacy.
We don’t ask for any information other than your first name and a signature - and only once you are officially a member. All individuals are welcome to join us for an introduction and informal chat. We go through extensive steps to ensure your privacy and well-being whilst at the centre.
“My mental health has improved tremendously because i am surrounded by people who have gone through tough times but are still positive.”
Find respect, encouragement and a warm welcome at 240Project.
Our members are a diverse mix of people, in very different situations ranging from living in their own flats, hostels or in squats. A minority of our members currently sleep on the streets. Though very different in many ways, our members share a history of homelessness, and most of them have lives that are, or have recently been, very chaotic.
We are proud to have a growing number of members at 240Project. Discover what life with the 240Project’s support is like through our member testimonials.
“My life has changed, I am much stronger because I am getting the best mental health money can’t buy.”